About Our Coffee
Do you roast it yourselves?
We do! Every coffee we sell has been roasted in that little red roaster you can see in the photo on this page. It's a by-hand process, with coffees in small-batches, a little data-capture technology to keep us consistent as possible, and quality-control done by our team. We've been together in coffee for a long time—Many Worlds is just our first attempt to play games while doing it.
Is it Fairtrade?
Great question! If you're not familiar with Fairtrade, here's a description from their site:
"Fairtrade changes lives by changing trade. We transfer wealth back to farmers and workers in developing countries who deserve a decent income and decent work."
MWT Coffees do not have the “Fairtrade” designation, but we believe strongly in the values of their organization. Their impact is significant with coffee farmers that trade on the global coffee commodity market.
Most specialty coffee roasters like Many Worlds buy their coffee from importers that bypass this commodity market, allowing farmers to get more competitive offers and often set their own prices for the beans they sell. The specialty coffee importers we work with are able to give us greater transparency on the coffees we buy to ensure we’re paying and sourcing ethically, and currently the minimum price we pay for coffee per pound is over double the Fairtrade standard price.
How do you know that?
We roast our coffee in Houston, TX – a major hub for coffee trade in the US – and we are lucky enough to have local access to several specialty green coffee importers here. We work exclusively with companies that trade specialty coffee (as defined by the Specialty Coffee Association). The coffees Many Worlds Tavern currently feature are sourced from Genuine Origin and InterAmerican Coffee. Companies like these connect us with producers around the world, allowing us to trace our beans back to the estate, washing station, or growing region where they are harvested.
For example, from Genuine Origin we currently source a Tanzanian coffee that is part of all three of our blends along with a Guatemalan coffee that makes up the other portion of Homely House and Great Old One. You can see fact sheets for both of them here:
Tanzania Iyenga-Mwalyego-Kimuli AB
Guatemala Candelaria
The other portion of Dragon’s Nest is made up of a delicious Ethiopian natural from the Sidama region called Shantawene (link to that coffee information here):
Ethiopia Sidama Shantawene Natural G1
Electric Sheep (our decaf offering that we're really proud of) can be found here:
Colombia Valle Del Cauca Sugarcane Decaf
Our limited-release, single-origin coffee "Treasured Realm" features a rotating coffee from one farm or small region. These coffees are sourced from either the same or similar importers, and fact sheets can be provided on request.
What makes it "Coffee for Game Night"?
Being here, you might believe the same thing we do: great coffee and tea can enhance the tabletop gaming experience, either through the products' flavors and aromas or the community and connection they promote.
We believe that our products are not just coffee and tea, but a way to bring people together and create memorable game nights, RPG sessions, or Magic tournaments. We also think that the tabletop community's much bigger than the one right in front of us, and one simple way to give back is to donate $1 per bag sold to gaming-related nonprofits.
Our commitment to "Coffee for Game Night" is also reflected how we develop products. For example, It was really important to find a good decaf for lovers of coffee that don't want to stay up all night, and we truly think it's the best one we've tasted.
Another example is our partnership with Swift. They help us make great quality instant coffee so that you can bring a sachet to game night or your favorite convention without having to worry about the host or hotel having brewing equipment.
And finally, we've been sponsoring a lot of small gaming content creators, going to conventions, and sharing our coffee at local game nights to try and be a positive force in the gaming community.

Green Coffee! This is what it looks like when it gets to our door. Many Worlds is a roasting company, so we roast this stuff to make it into the amazing brown beans you know and love.

Our roasting crew of Dean, Jake, Savannah, and Ethen turn it into Many Worlds Coffee with both experience and technology to ensure amazingly consistent product. They also package it all so it's ready to be shipped out to you!

InterAmerican hosts monthly tastings, competitions, or education sessions for the local coffee community in Houston. We're so lucky to work close by!

Every coffee bean in your bag of coffee has taken a long journey. Thanks for enjoying it!