The Many Worlds Tavern Discord
We'd love to chat with you!
The Many Worlds Tavern Discord is a space to interact with coffee and tabletop gaming enthusiasts in a safe, engaging, and inclusive space. It's also a great place to interact with the Many Worlds Tavern staff and content-creation team. As an online company, we miss the sense of community a coffee-shop or game cafe brings, so we hope this is a way to better get-to-know our supporters (and also help with any coffee questions, give game recommendations, or even play with you digitally!). While we're the creators of the server, we believe you'll get the most of it by engaging with like-minded individuals that are in here even when we're offline. Please say hi!
In the Discord, we've got topics split up into GAMING (#board-games, #dnd, #card-games etc), COFFEE & TEA (#coffee, #coffee-gear-questions, #home-roasting), and MISC (#anime, #food-and-drink, #movies-and-tv etc).
To sign up, just click the button below or follow the link here: If you've never used Discord before, you can read about it on their home page here: